OLAIAN Ref. 8504155 2470282

Neoprenanzug Surfen Herren 900 5/4 mm mit Kopfhaube

279,99 €
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Spezieller Neoprenanzug, von unserem Entwicklungsteam entworfen für das Surfen und Bodyboarden in sehr kalten Gewässern (7 °C bis 12 °C), bis zu drei Stunden.


Mit dem "Ecodesign-Ansatz" reduzieren wir die Umweltauswirkungen unserer Produkte.

Die Produkte mit Ecodesign Maßnahmen müssen ganz bestimmten Designkriterien entsprechen, die auch nachweisbar sind. Natürlich muss es dabei dieselben Funktionen erfüllen, wie das Vorgängermodell, denn ein Ecodesign-Laufshirt ist in erster Linie ein funktionales Laufshirt! Im Vergleich muss es jedoch eine insgesamt verbesserte CO2-Bilanz aufweisen.

"Ecodesign"-Maßnahmen für dieses Produkt
  • Picture showing Reparability
    Long lasting


    Product designed to be repairable on more than 80% of breakages and failures.

    Repairability is the ability to offer a solution in the event of product breakage or failure. The repairability of a product is defined according to 4 criteria: - the availability of instructions on how to repair the product for customers, - the possibility of disassembling the product, - the availability of spare parts, - the price of the repair is lower than purchasing a new product. Our goal is to cover any possible known break or repair possibility a product might have. We think about the life span of a product from the design stage, to ensure that it lasts as long as possible.

  • Picture showing Designed to reduce environmental impact
    Environmental Impact

    Designed to reduce environmental impact

    Product that has reduced its environmental impact by 12% thanks to ecodesign actions.

    Our design teams are working to develop processes that will reduce the impact of a product, while preserving its technical characteristics. This reduction relates to the following indicators: climate change, air pollution, water pollution and resource depletion.

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